Entre Líneas
María Fernanda Barrero, Luisa Duarte, and Jenelle Esparza

Austin Central Library

María Fernanda Barrero Just before the Storm (An Imaginary Line Project),

Lluvia de Verano/Summer Storm (An Imaginary Line Project), Thread on wax on wood, 2019.

Entre Líneas celebrates Latin American and National Hispanic Heritage Month, focusing on the women artists of these communities. The exhibition curated by Coka Treviño features the work of Mexican artist María Fernanda Barrero, Venezuelan and Houston-based artist Luisa Duarte, and San Antonio-based artist Jenelle Esparza.

Historically, much of the Hispana and Latina existences and contributions have fallen in between the lines, invisible in the crevices’ shadows. Remaining as one of the most underappreciated and underpaid laborers, Hispanas and Latinas face a wall to overcome to access opportunities that seem to be more readily available to others; especially in the positions of powers and privileges, including the field of arts. In spite of the undercurrent of discriminations, these women are the backbone of numerous communities, continuously nurturing, weaving, supporting and moving forward with unwavering strength and warmth of humility. In this exhibition, Treviño explores themes of displacement, labor, belonging, boundaries, fragility, and strength, to honor Latinas’ contributions to communities, and to empower them to claim their spaces. The exhibit asks to remember their influences that shape our society, recognizing our unspoken heroes.

Entre Líneas ran from August 29 – September 28, 2019.
Austin Central Library | 710 W. César Chávez St. Austin, Tx.


Documented by Héctor Martinez


Adiós, Amén, Hasta Luego